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CP 2.1 Late Breaking News
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COUNTERPoint 2.1 OCT 3 1992
I did a full update point to 2.1, since there has been
so many additions to CP since the original 2.0 release.
9-28-92 Fixed Export Time on messages. Now Exports the creation Time
not the Export Time.
9-26-92 Added STR 812 This is a custom Type and Creator for TEXT files.
Added STR 813 This will force CP to Quote using Right
Symbols only during a quote Also, Command Key during a <<<----
quote will force the Right Symbols for the quote.
Improved Memory Management able to free up an additional
89k of memory...
COUNTERPoint 2.0.2 SEPT 25 1992
9-25-92 Added STR 811 AutoSort Style 0-4
Updated Internal Memory Management again. You now have an
additional 13k of application memory available.
Fixed Sorting would not sort areas of 255 messages (Fix by Michael Burton)
Fixed Area Scroll Button (Fix by Michael Burton)
COUNTERPoint 2.0.1 SEPT 17 1992
The following is a maintenance release CP 2.0.1.
9-17-92 Fixed a NULL TERMINATION problem when using GExport method.
Note: Let CP create the .pkts for you. It is much faster
and more reliable.
SCOTT This should solve your problem.
9-15-92 Updated Sort Code... (MB)
Sorts are also, much faster...
Note: ALL RE:'s are stripped during a subject sort
Updated Internal Memory Management. You now have an
additional 64k of application memory available.
9-14-92 Fixed Normal Print Driver Text Dump (ML)
Added modified code provided by Michael Burton.
RE: Remove Routine... Sort by subject, by Date
To cancel a Find, hold down the Command Key. Option
key prevented Find Next from working. (ML)
Added auto Text Highlight and autoScroll on FIND (MB)
8-29-92 Added New Auto Window Open AND/OR Cleanup at Startup
With this version of CP you can have it automatically open
up to three windows at startup and even have an automatic
cleanup before you auto-import or open a window. (this is
a late add so it saved in STR's. You must use RESEDIT to
set and modify this feature as of 8-29-92.
STR 808 - This is a value that instructs CP on which windows
to automatically open and whether to do a cleanup
0 = Do nothing, IGNORE this feature
1 = Auto Open the Area Window
2 = Auto Open Specific Area entered in STR 809
4 = Auto Open the Subject Window for the area in 809
8 = Perform an auto cleanup before auto-importing
or opening any windows.
Add these numbers together to do multiple events.
Example: 8 + 1 = 9 Cleanup and then Auto open
the Area Window.
STR 809 - This holds the name of the area to automatically
open when CP first starts up. +2 in 808 to open
this area. If CP can not locate the area name
it will not open the read or subject windows.
8-26-92 Fixed Auto-UUCP address on a Cancel.
7-25-92 Fixed a problem with importing blank messages. If the the
import Seenby and Include Kludge Lines Flag were turned off
and the seenby line was a magical 249 characters in length
the message would import as a blank. Keep an eye on importing
to make sure I did not break something else. (RD)
7-20-92 New CP Icon's and Pictures.... (color users)
7-17-92 Added function call to update area menu after an import. (SK)
7-3-92 This is the relase version. Final cleanups included. (RH)
Fixed a problem with dual monitor/subject window/double
clicking. (RH)
6-30-92 To/From was reversed on the new header popup list. Fixed
Added a 110x10 pixel area in the lower right corner of the
read window. Just above and to left of the scroll bars.
Click here and the to/from header will popup. (SK)
6-26-92 Added open Diamonds to area menus - If an open diamond is
present then the area has unread messages. (SK)
Added PopUp Menu to Read Window - Allows the user to reference
who the message is from/to/subject/created, without scrolling
back up the window. (SK)
6-22-92 Added 2 STR's 806 and 807. (MS)
806 is used to control how many characters you want to compare
as unique when sorting. the default has been bumped up to 25.
Subject can go up to 72 characters (internet messages), Fido I
believe is 36? Note: subject sorts - CP takes the s_Len value
and will subtract 6 from it. These six are used to append the
creation date (accoring to the msg date supplied from the .pkt)
to the end of the string in the attempt to apply a kind'a
sub-sort since I don't have BTree or ISAM indexes built into
the header file. Ex: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx920622. The larger the
the s_Len value the more memory will be required. If there
is not enough memory to perform the sort CP will tell you.
If you have lots of memory then bump up CP's application size
& set this value high 36. If you have little memory or get 'Not
Enough Memory' messages from CP then drop this value down to
around 12 or 18.
[36] _msg_toName
[36] _msg_fromName
[72] _msg_subject
807 is used to instruct CP to sort using UPPER and LOWER case
or just UPPER CASE. 0 - upper and lower case will be used.
1 - upper case only will be used.
5-20-92 UserEditor disabled buttons 3-9 in place of buttons 2-9 leave
'Done' button active (BD)
5-25-92 Fixed Origin Lines file RECORD..... (TP)
The big 'CP Origin Lines' file must be 3k or bigger, if used.
5-30-92 Adjusted Modifier Keys during a Reply Button Click
If Command Key is down Quote header information is skipped,
initials only are used in the body of the text. (MS)
If Shift Key down then Skip header Dialog
If Option Key down then set Custom Quoting for reply.
You can use any combo of the modifier keys.
5-31-92 Removed RE: and RE> on subject sorts.... (MS)
6-05-92 Added _EchoALL (STR 804) that will cause all messages to be
echoed locally back. This must be set to NonZero with
ResEdit. Some Boss systems will not echo back any mail from a
point. If you are one of these points and want to keep a
reciept of your general echo mail outgoing mail then enable
this feature. If just want to keep a record of your outgoing
E_Mail (NetMail) then see 'Echo From:' under the System Flags
dialog, under the Edit Menu. (ML)
6-13-92 Added Check to prevent Areas from being edited with an open
post window. (AF)
6-14-92 Added auto PKZip'ing for outbound QWK mail. CP will automatically
create a .REP file that is PKZip'ed. If you wish to create your
own .REP file using .ARC or .LHZ or something else then you must
change STR 805 to a non-zero number. If STR 805 is non-zero then
CP will leave outbound message in the raw .MSG file format. (MB)
CP will export new mail to an .MSG storage file. It will then
look for an existing .REP file. If this file is not found then
all messages in the .MSG storage file are PKZip'ed into an .REP
file and the .MSG file is deleted. If an .REP already exists
will will no nothing, but will retain the .MSG file until a new
.REP file can be built. SO REMEMBER after you upload the current
.REP be sure to delete it so CP can build a new one with pending
outbound messages (in the .MSG file).
Quote Header ^N will not work if Include Seen-Bys and Paths are enabled
it will always show up blank.
Option Key Post Button (Auto Addressee Add) will not work if Include
Seen-Bys and Paths are enabled. It will also not work from E_Mail.
It's not that it will not work, but Node/Net.Point will show up as
0/0/0 and you will have to manaully change them. CP uses the Origin
line as a reference, with the Seen-by and Paths the reference line is
longer the last line of the message.